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The Upper Colorado River Authority (UCRA) has been an active partner in the Texas Clean Rivers Program (CRP) working in the Upper Basin with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) since its inception in early 1990. CRP is a state fee funded program administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).The TCEQ and regional water authorities coordinate all CRP activities in the basins.

The program goals are as follows; Encourage comprehensive and cooperative watershed planning; enhance public participation and outreach; maintain a basin-wide water quality monitoring program; provide a scientific response to water quality problems; identify, analyze and report on water quality issues and potential causes of pollution.   

UCRA staff monitors stream segments within the Upper Basin and submits data to the LCRA for publication in the statewide database. Local stakeholder participation is encouraged and achieved through annual Water Quality Advisory Committee (WQAC) meetings, typically held in the spring, and communication via email correspondence to ensure that current water quality issues and concerns are always at the forefront. The next WQAC meeting will be held in 2025.


512 Orient . San Angelo . Texas . 76903

P | 325.655.0565  F | 325.655.1371

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Photo Credit: L. Woods 2024

Upper Colorado River Authority

512 Orient

San Angelo, Texas 76903


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